The Painter {WaterColors and Oils} Picture of healing and tenderness
Hiromi Watanabe Art works

About Hiromi Watanabe
Hiromi Watanabe was born in Tokyo, and now lives in Nara.
Growing up, Watanabe filled the lonely gaps in her heart with constant reading, playing in the world of fantasy.
When she was a sophomore in elementary school, she encountered comics for the first time.
In one of these comics, a priestess of berserkers led people to love.
From the shocking contents of this comic, she decided to aim to become a cartoonist and became an aspiring illustrator and painted on her own.
After a traumatic experience in her college years, she began to draw oil paintings of women with dark tones, putting her life into them.
Overtaken by an incurable disease, she began to suffer from depression. However, after a successful surgery, she could start to see light once again.
The chosen theme in her first solo exhibition in 1999 was "salvation".
She also began to learn nude sketching and encountered many feelings within the human form.
She usually had to draw nude women in black and white, but she found out that she could draw rough drafts in watercolors because drawing in colors was allowed when the models wore clothes.
These were colorful rough drafts drawn with reverberant colors that she believed the models portrayed. She felt it was her original style of painting, including the portrayal of movement.
In addition, she based her work on the concepts of impermanence, "Bomga Ichinyo", a Buddhist view. This Buddhism impermanence view that met Buddha and gods and feelings were in works of Ryu Mitsuse who writes SF and fantasy novels. This worked to heal her own mind.
She is greatly interested in "Mercy" and of Buddhism, of "agape (affection)", etc. from ancient Greek philosophy, which she likes to draw inspiration from. The Bodhisattva image as the presence of salvation in soft tones of watercolors.
Her pictures were dubbed “Picture of healing” “Picture of tenderness” , so she started to draw pictures wishing for other people’s happiness.
Now,she created pictures of smiling Bodhisattva and Maria, not from the angle of religion but from the sense of tenderness.
She has had 13 exhibitions so far. She also joined a number of group exhibitions in 4 different countries.
She has published books of poetry and painting. She also did the covers of 4 books. She sent her works to the International Art Fair (NY) last year.